You started playing professionally as a soloist. You love it, and people
love you! After a few years, however, your business is not growing.
You want it to grow. You realize it's time to work smarter, not just harder.
A solo artist doesn't have to go it alone. Having a coach or advocate
can put you in the right direction. But who do you call?
That's where I come in. I am a soloist, too -- an ambient acoustic
guitarist. After years of ensemble playing, I started my business in 2014
-- averaging 100 engagements a year. In 2022, I had 115!
I am a good musician, but it's my perseverance that drives my business.
I am a corporate marketer by day. My skills are very transferable. I use
the same strategies for my music business as do for my day job.
I know tricks of the trade that you can't find on the internet. If you are
open to some new outside-the-box-ideas, let's have a conversation.
I would be happy to share my success.
If this interests you, let's schedule a phone call to discuss this further.
Sincerely, Rick Iacoboni